Mario Costantini, Federico Minati, Francesco Trillo, e-GEOS, an Italian Space Agency and Telespazio company, Italy; Alessandro Ferretti, Fabrizio Novali, Emanuele Passera, TRE Altamira, Italy; John Dehls, Geological Survey of Norway, Norway; Yngvar Larsen, NORCE - Norwegian Research Centre, Norway; Petar Marinkovic, PPO.labs, Netherlands; Michael Eineder, Ramon Brcic, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany; Robert Siegmund, Paul Kotzerke, Markus Probeck, GAF AG, Germany; Ambrus Kenyeres, Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Hungary; Sergio Proietti, e-GEOS, an Italian Space Agency and Telespazio company, Italy; Lorenzo Solari, CTTC, Spain; Henrik Andersen, European Environment Agency, Denmark