International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium

In 2021 a joint initiative of Belgium and The Netherlands

Virtual Platform Tutorial
Login to our virtual event platform

All delegates are now able to login to our virtual event platform to update their personal profile already in order to maximize participation and networking! Click the green ‘Enter Conference’ button in the menu bar above.

You are invited to watch this short video tutorial on how to use the IGARSS 2021 platform to increase your overall experience.


IGARSS 2021 Goes Virtual

On behalf of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the IGARSS 2021 Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 41st annual IGARSS symposium. Unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 circumstances, we aren’t able to welcome you all in the beautiful city of Brussels! But we invite you to join us in our custom-designed virtual environment including virtual 3D rooms to showcase products and services in the exhibition hall, chat with your colleague experts in geoscience & remote sensing, and even search or share job offers via a dedicated job fair. We welcome you to join us virtually via our IGARSS 2021 virtual event platform. More information about this fully virtual format can be found here.

The conference organisation is a joint effort of the Low Countries, the Netherlands and Belgium, with Crossing Borders as the overall theme of the conference.

Crossing Borders

  • Between Countries and Research Institutes
  • Between Types of Platforms (from satellites to drones)
  • Between Data Sources
  • Between Disciplines

Click here to discover program at a glance or view the full scientific programme.

Kind regards,
Joost VANDENABEELE and Ramon Hanssen
IGARSS 2021 general Chairs


Proceedings Available on IEEE XPlore

The 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium proceedings have been posted to the IEEEXplore digital library!

IGARSS 2021 Goes Virtual

Read about the virtual format.

Registration Open

Online registration is now open.

Sponsorship & Exhibition Possibilities

The IGARSS 2021 sponsorship & exhibition possibilities are available. Discover more to join our virtual exhibition.

Important Dates

The important dates and deadlines have been amended. Click here to check all dates.


The IGARSS 2021 committee is pleased to announce three keynotes speakers. Click here to discover more.


Dear IGARSS participants,

We see a positive trend in the number of vaccinations worldwide.

It seems that the headlock in which Covid-19 has held the world is slowly released.

Yet, for the 2021 edition of IGARSS, it is not feasible to organize the conference in the way we would like, with real people, together in a real venue, in the magnificent city of Brussels.

With much regret, the only responsible choice to make is to organize the conference in ‘virtual’, or ‘on-line’ format.

Nevertheless, we do everything in our power to make IGARSS 2021 much more than a long extended ‘zoom’ session.

In fact, we have a great virtual conference for you. With more than 1,500 oral presentations and more than 1,000 multimedia presentations, you will be able to sample the latest advances with the most achievable people in our discipline: Geoscience and Remote Sensing.

We designed a brand new attractive 3D virtual platform that will enable you to move smoothly within the conference center:

  1. To chat, present, explore, and enable you to catch up with your colleagues and to exchange ideas.
  2. To visit a virtual exhibition with exhibitors, both institutional as well as commercial, who highlight the finest technological advances that they have to offer.
  3. To visit an online job-market, to find new employers or new colleagues for your mission.

So, to be very clear: there will be no on-site IGARSS activities in Brussels this year. Instead, you can enjoy a virtual IGARSS 2021 event and we are excited to give you a flavor of Brussels that may hopefully lead to a physical visit in better times.
